Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hunger for reform - Relative Value of Re.1

     Children should be hungry for education and not hungry.
     For us, who get three meals a day and enough water to drink, it is almost impossible to fathom how it feels to be hungry. Even hours of hunger wear us down. It affects our work, it affects our lives and it affects our thoughts. And it is not just a morbid writer's imagination that little children have to suffer from classroom hunger. It is an unfortunate fact. 
     Choosing between hunger and education should not be a decision which a child in a country like India needs to make. Education drives a nation ahead.
     We as Indians can step in and do out bit to help them reach a point where they do NOT have to make a choice, a place where they can focus on education and grow up to be incredible Indians.
     One really simple way to go about doing this is to donate one rupee each day for this cause. The cost of feeding a child for a year comes to around Rupees 750. For every mobile refill we do, lets keep aside one rupee for this cause.
     We can take this a stage ahead. How about every time during a festival, we buy a cracker, we keep aside a rupee. No doubt that every rupee is valuable for everyone. But the relative value of that one rupee is different for different people. In most homes we see one rupee coins lying here and there. Lets collect every coin we see and set it aside for this cause.
    And we can even go a step further. Lets learn to be good citizens. If we have a problem of drinking, make sure to keep 1 rupee aside for each drink we take. If we smoke, for every cigarette, keep aside a rupee. Every time we eat junk food, we keep aside a rupee. Every time we buy a costly dress, we do the same. Within one year, it is not a difficult target to reach - Rs. 750.
   And it will not be easy or everyone. But donation is not an easy thing to do. It is never meant to be easy. IF we have extra money, it becomes our duty to help others. On the other hand, it takes a lot of courage and dedication to help out others when we need it ourselves.
   Learning the relative value of Re.1 be the difference between a developed India and a developing India.

ed lithium

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